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Styrax obassia - BSWJ10890

Pot Size: 20 litre
Price: £100.00
A variable tree where we gathered the seed for this collection in the Aomori area northernmost Honshu Japan, in the autumn of 2005. Known as the Fragrant snow-bell tree, forming small deciduous trees to 6m, with horizontally spreading branches. The leaves of this collection were orbicular to 25cm across held on stout zigzagging branches giving a display of yellow tones in autumn. With pendant racemes of axillary or terminal pendent white scented flowers, May-July. Cultivate in any fertile soil in sun or part shade. ******* ****** ****** ****** This plant is supplied as open ground/bare-rooted, during the dormant winter months, the pot size given is for the purpose of calculating carriage only. Specimen sized plants also available.

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product details
Family Generic Species/Variety Collection Number
(Styracaceae) Styrax obassia BSWJ10890
Group Colour Blooms Size
Tree White Spring, summer small
Soil Type Shade Foliage Origin
Humus rich Part shade, Sun Deciduous autumn colour Japan
Scented Ornamental Berries / Fruit
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