Pot Size: 7.5 litre Price: £65.00 Description: An Asian genus only recently segregated from Gordonia a close relative of Camellia which it has a close affinity to, but on a larger scale. Although technically trees we mostly see this species growing as large shrubs, with striking deepest dark green and glossiest glossy leaves imaginable to 25cm long, a wonderful foil for the large white (12-15cm across) Camellia-like flowers borne in autumn in the wild, but also through milder winters in cultivation (October to April). One of our seed collections gathered on a trek through the Hoàng Liên Son mountains in the north of Vietnam in 2007 with Ben Kettle et al. Best grown in a lime free (?) drained fertile soil with some good moisture retention in full sun to light shade sheltered from freezing winds.
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