Pot Size: 15 litre Price: £50.00 Description: Originating from my sortie to Y Tý in the very north of Vietnam along the border with China in 2007, with the late Peter Wharton. Where we endured an entire week of heavy rain living in our tents. Here we re-discovered an isolated tree of this species growing in an open overgrazed area, 4-5m tall. With large dark evergreen ovate-elliptic leathery leaves finely serrated with long tips, on short gnarled purplish branches in the exposed position and very large grapefruit-sized orbicular multi seeded tri-locular fruit. The result of the large terracotta-pink flowers born in March-May. Best grown with a bit of shelter from freezing winds and extreme cold, in a moisture retentive drained fertile soil.
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