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Ruscus aculeatus v. platyphyllus - BSWJ15015

Pot Size: 1.5 litre
Price: £25.00
From a seed collection we gathered from a heavily shaded riverbank in southern Sicily in 2016. Where some of the plants were grazed by cattle, obviously enriching the soil as they did. Here the plants reached a height of 2 m with upright stems with up to 20 short branches, all bearing broadly-ovate dark green glossy spine tipped cladodes to 5 cm long. A sub-shrub arising from a woody rhizome, with new stems produced annually, which persist for 2-3 years then best pruned away. Best grown in shade out of strong winds, in a moisture retentive fertile soil, although very drought tolerant. Bearing either male or female white and purple tiny flowers in the cooler months, on the upper surface of the cladode, followed by red fruit if pollination takes place.

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product details
Family Generic Species/Variety Collection Number
(Asparagaceae) Ruscus aculeatus v. platyphyllus BSWJ15015
Group Colour Blooms Size
Shrub White Winter, early spring medium
Soil Type Shade Foliage Origin
Humus rich Part shade, Shade Evergreen bold Italy
Scented Ornamental Berries / Fruit
No RED fruit
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