Pot Size: 3 litre Price: £40.00 Description: A long confused species despite being described in 1753, commonly known is some of its native habitats, as the two tongued Ruscus. Easily identified, by the large floral bract on the upper surface of the leaf-like cladode (flattened stem), which subtends the small inflorescence attached to the mid vein. The tiny intriguing winter born flowers are followed by plump red fruit on female plants if pollinated. A dense thicket-forming evergreen rhizomatous sub-shrub, when growing in a moist warm situation, with arching stems to 80cm tall, but normally only half that. Our seed collection from a moist densely shaded valley near Siena, Italy in 2017. Best grown in shade in a moisture retentive fertile soil protected from wind. Very hardy.
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