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Ruscus ponticus from Russia - BSWJ16344

Pot Size: 1 litre (deep)
Price: £25.00
Forming loose thickets of evergreen rhizomatous sub-shrubs, with upright slender branching stems to 60cm tall. Bearing narrowly elliptic silvery-grey leaf-like cladodes (flattened stems), which carry an inflorescence above on a central vein. The tiny intriguing winter born flowers are followed by plump red fruit on female flowers if pollinated. We were fortunate to be able to team up with Moscow Botanic Gardens and collect in some of the forests surrounding Sochi in late 2019, from the Russian Black Sea coastal areas. A long disputed species or variety depending on your view, which only occurs in the eastern end of Ruscus' distribution. Best grown in shade in a humus rich but well drained soil.

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product details
Family Generic Species/Variety Collection Number
(Ruscaceae) Ruscus ponticus from Russia BSWJ16344
Group Colour Blooms Size
Shrub Purple, White Winter, early spring medium
Soil Type Shade Foliage Origin
Humus rich well drained Part shade, Shade Evergreen grey Russia
Scented Ornamental Berries / Fruit
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