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Ruscus aculeatus 'Wheeler's Variety'

Pot Size: 1.5 litre
Price: £30.00
A well known hermaphrodite form (bears both male and female flowers on the same plant), ensuring a reasonable chance of bearing red berries without pollination from another plant. Although my personal observation, is that only one sex of flower is borne at the same time, during the winter months. One of the easiest evergreens to grow in dense shade, while being quite capable of surviving long periods of drought, hence able to out-compete other plants. Best grown out of strong sun, in a soil containing some humus. An upright form with dark green sharply pointed cladodes, on stems to around 1m tall in reasonable fertile soils.

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product details
Family Generic Species/Variety Collection Number
(Asparagaceae) Ruscus aculeatus 'Wheeler's Variety'
Group Colour Blooms Size
Shrub Purple, White Winter, early spring medium
Soil Type Shade Foliage Origin
Humus rich well drained Part shade, Shade Evergreen Italy
Scented Ornamental Berries / Fruit
No RED berries
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