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Calceolaria lamiifolia - BSWJ16418

Pot Size: 2 litre (deep)
Price: £25.00
February 2024 was our first encounter with this semi-scandent sub-shrubby slipper flower, at a fairly lofty 3385m on our way up the Cordillera Central of the Andes in Colombia. Where this semi-evergreen formed a bright green shrub of slender softly hairy stems, bearing heart-shaped softly hairy leaves with impressed venation. To just over a meter high, but wider with large bright slipper flowers born on long upright stems above the foliage. They should flower through the summer, until the cold weather arrives, probably best not grown in too hot or dry conditions, although some sun will be welcomed all round. Best grown in a fertile drained soil in a sheltered site. Not tried for hardiness in the UK, but would experience some night frost in the wild.

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product details
Family Generic Species/Variety Collection Number
(Scrophulariaceae) Calceolaria lamiifolia BSWJ16418
Group Colour Blooms Size
Shrub Yellow Summer, late summer medium
Soil Type Shade Foliage Origin
Humus rich well drained Part shade, Sun Semi evergreen Colombia
Scented Ornamental Berries / Fruit
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