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Buddleja hookeri 'Sikkim Snow' - GWJ9286

Pot Size: 5 litre
Price: £40.00
We collected the seed of this wonderfully silvery leaved rare species, from the only colony deep in the Lachen Valley in northern Sikkim, on our way back from the Tibetan border in 2002. Here it formed medium-large much branched shrubs with silvery long pointed ovate foliage held on rounded white stems. Bearing an abundance of long pendulous inflorescences held terminally and in the apical axils. Which had held the long tubed crisp-white orange-eyed honey scented flowers flared at their deep yellow-orange throats, a colour that prevails as the flowers age. Forming a medium sized shrub for us preferring full sun in a freely drained soil with some moisture retention. Flowering July-September. Hardy to -15C. B. hookeri is considered a synonym of B. macrostachya, Which is ludicrous

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product details
Family Generic Species/Variety Collection Number
(Buddlejaceae) Buddleja hookeri 'Sikkim Snow' GWJ9286
Group Colour Blooms Size
Shrub Orange, White, Yellow Summer, autumn medium
Soil Type Shade Foliage Origin
Normal Part shade, Sun Semi evergreen grey North India
Scented Ornamental Berries / Fruit
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