Pot Size: 4 litre Price: £45.00 Description: Normally forming dense thickets of evergreen rhizomatous sub-shrubs, with only slightly arching stems 60 to 90cm tall. Although this collections represents a collection from a single clone, bearing oblanceolate-elliptical leaf-like cladodes (flattened stems), which carried the inflorescences below on the central vein subtended by a tiny bract. The small intriguing winter born flowers are followed by plump red fruit on female plants if pollinated. From our joint expedition with Moscow BG to Georgia in 2017. Hosted by Batumi BG, who were delighted to share both plants and seed of this new species to us, from within the gardens. A species that is protected there and can only be collected under licence. Best grown in shade in a humus rich soil.
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