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Maianthemum paniculatum - BSWJ9137

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A large species which we found growing on a steep boulder strewn bank within a dense high altitude forest in Baja Verapaz on our first collecting trip to Guatemala in 2001. Forming a congested colony of slightly elongated cylindrical rhizomes, from which arose strong arching stems to 2m tall with 26 leathery obovate alternate leaves from 12cm long decreasing in size from the base. Terminating in an upright broadly based congested panicle of white flowers on pinkie stalks in this collection. Followed by large grey-green tri-lobed fruit which take 1 year to mature to red-purple, sometimes still present on the emergence of the new flowers. Was Smilacina paniculata, also name has been confused with M. tatsiense from China, but easily distinguished.

product details
Family Generic Species/Variety Collection Number
(Convallariaceae) Maianthemum paniculatum BSWJ9137
Group Colour Blooms Size
Perennial White Summer, late summer medium
Soil Type Shade Foliage Origin
Humus rich Part shade, Sun Evergreen bold Guatemala
Scented Ornamental Berries / Fruit
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