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Polygonatum macranthum - BSWJ5727

Pot Size: 3 litre
Price: £20.00
It has taken us a long time to introduce this sensational species which we first encountered in 1995. One of the strongest growing of the conventional alternately leafed species which can be as tall/long as 2m with large ovate-orbicular alternate leaves to 30cm long on the arching stems, bearing the large flared funnel shaped white green striped flowers distinct on account of the size of flowers May-July. A slow growing species forming a large, usually unbranched thick knobbly rhizome. Easily grown, but resents disturbance or heavy competition, in any type of drained fertile soil shaded from the midday sun. Previously offered as P. stenanthum. THESE ARE SUBSTANTIAL SIZED PLANTS.

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product details
Family Generic Species/Variety Collection Number
(Convallariaceae) Polygonatum macranthum BSWJ5727
Group Colour Blooms Size
Perennial White Spring, summer large
Soil Type Shade Foliage Origin
Humus rich Part shade, Shade Deciduous bold Japan
Scented Ornamental Berries / Fruit
Yes ORNAMENTAL berries
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