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Disporopsis bodinieri - KWJ12277

Pot Size: 2 litre
Price: £20.00
A new species to cultivation originally found by ourselves in the Hoang Lien high mountains of northern Vietnam in the autumn of 2007. Obviously a close relative to D. fusco-picta as it shares the distinct feature of moniliform rhizomes (like a string of beads). Another shared feature are the larger flowers, which like all species are held in the leaf axils. However the foliage is distinct in quantity of narrowly ovate evergreen leaves, with usually pronounced undulation to the rim. A slow growing species for us which can eventually attain a height of 80cm. Easily grown in a moisture retentive drained soil in full to light shade.

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product details
Family Generic Species/Variety Collection Number
(Convallariaceae) Disporopsis bodinieri KWJ12277
Group Colour Blooms Size
Perennial Purple, White Spring, summer small
Soil Type Shade Foliage Origin
Humus rich Part shade, Shade Evergreen Vietnam
Scented Ornamental Berries / Fruit
Yes ORNAMENTAL berries
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