Pot Size: 2 litre (deep) Price: £25.00 Description: From one of our seed collections collected on our way up into Volcan del Ruiz at only 2,490m part of the highest areas in the Central Mountain Range in Colombia, in early 2024. A collection we gathered from a small herbaceous twining climber allied to Alstroemeria, forming a congested clump of tuberous roots, from which arose slender twinning stems to only 2-3m tall (in the wild), with narrowly ovate to linear alternate leaves. Bearing lightly speckled reddish-orange long funnel-shaped black-tipped flowers in relatively small congested umbels midsummer through autumn. Best grown in a rich well draining soil with shade for the roots and protection from severe frost. SHOULD BE AVAILABLE FROM LATE SPRING 2025
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