Pot Size: 20 litre Price: £60.00 Description: Easily distinguished from the rest of this species, in that it is much smaller in habit, with smaller leaves and stature. Also it is much earlier to come into flower than any other form we cultivate, for us opening its wide cymes of white cylindrical flowers by mid-summer. Hence forming the small purple berries by late summer, at which time our other forms are starting to flower. The collection appeared distinct in the wild, with decidedly serrated margins to the small ovate almost orbicular grey wax covered leaves on small shrubs to less than 2m tall. At 3100m the highest elevation we have found this species growing. In an area close to Lijiang in western Yunnan China where this shrub was plentiful in 2000. The abbreviated name ‘Chino’ referring both to the small stature and Chinese origi
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