Sorry this plant is not available at the moment. Please try again later or select an alternative plant. Description: Sometimes when we are out collecting we are taken to locations where you feel privileged to be there, this was one of those occasions, but taken there by its founder is privilege indeed. The location was The Cedars, a unique geological wonder in a hidden canyon in Sonoma County California at 1,300 feet, our host Roger Raiche. One of many collections we gathered there was what used to be a Rhamnus with a grey-green evergreen or semi-evergreen oblong leaf (probably subsp. cuspidata) held on red young stems. Only forming a small shrub in the canyon, but growing along side a stream, with only a few of its orbicular black fruit left in the autumn of 2014 when we were there. Flowering April to July, height up to 2m. Best grown in good light in a well drained poor soil avoiding nutrients.
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