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Buddleja megalocephala - BSWJ9106

Pot Size: 12 litre
Price: £45.00
A new species to cultivation that we collected up above the clouds on the extinct Volcán Zunil, Quetzaltenango Guatemala at 3350m. Where it formed small and gnarled villous trees 2-5m tall at this heady altitude, with distinct slender white-woolly foliage and emerging terminal inflorescences of yellow? ball-like flowers, similar to B. globosa. Best grown in full sun and a well drained site.

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product details
Family Generic Species/Variety Collection Number
(Buddlejaceae) Buddleja megalocephala BSWJ9106
Group Colour Blooms Size
Shrub Orange, Yellow Late summer, autumn large
Soil Type Shade Foliage Origin
Well drained Part shade, Sun Deciduous bold Guatemala
Scented Ornamental Berries / Fruit
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