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Schefflera alpina - HWJ585

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From the upper reaches of Phan Si Pan Mountain, where we pitched our tents in 1999, accompanied by Dan Hinkley. An extraordinary hardy species we have collected on several occasions at the upper reaches of Phan Si Pan, the highest mountain in the north of Vietnam. Where it forms an elegant small evergreen well-branched tree to 5m tall, with dark purple new growth to the elegant dark-green leaves, comprising of 7-9 narrow leaflets (broader while juvenile) held on 30cm long reddish stalks. Bearing panicles of flowers held in rounded clusters, followed by purple fruit. Hardy to -15C, easily grown in any type of fertile drained soil in sun or part shade.

product details
Family Generic Species/Variety Collection Number
(Araliaceae) Schefflera alpina HWJ585
Group Colour Blooms Size
Shrub Brown, Green Late summer, winter medium
Soil Type Shade Foliage Origin
Humus rich Part shade, Sun Evergreen bold Vietnam
Scented Ornamental Berries / Fruit
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